Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 503-511
Background: The study was to compare the clinical efficiency of Pendulum and distal jet appliances using both cephalometric parameters as well as dental cast analysis at two-time intervals T1-pre-treatment and T2-post-distalization.
Materials and Methods: 10 patients with Angle's Class II malocclusion were enrolled in the study. The patients were divided into two groups: pendulum group & distal jet group (n = 5) for intra oral molar distalization. Lateral cephalogram and dental cast were obtained at T1 and T2.
Results: Molar distalization of 4.4 ± 1.1 mm in 4.68 ± 0.67 months in pendulum group and of 3.8 ± 0.4 mm in 5.84 ± 0.7 months in distal jet group. Relative intrusion of upper incisors was found to be more in pendulum group as compared to distal jet group. Mesial tipping of premolars and distal tipping of first molar was observed with both the groups. The transverse expansion at the level of first molars was significantly more in distal jet group as compared to pendulum group.
Conclusion: Thus, Pendulum and distal jet appliances were found to be equally effective clinically in distalizing the maxillary molars, although the distalization period was shorter in pendulum group as compared to distal jet group owing to more distal tipping of maxillary first molars in pendulum group. The expansion was significantly more in distal jet group compared to the pendulum group which could be beneficial for patients who have Class II malocclusion with mild posterior crossbite.
Keywords: Distal jet, Intra oral molar distalization, Pendulum, Class II malocclusion
How to cite : Patel R, Sonecha D, Patel D, Shah K, Dalal A, Comparison of clinical efficiency between pendulum and distal jet appliance - A randomized control trial. J Contemp Orthod 2024;8(4):503-511
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Received : 03-06-2024
Accepted : 02-07-2024
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