Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 354-359
The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects of Micro-osteoperforations (MOPs), Corticision, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. Randomly10 patients were selected in each study group. All the studies had a split-mouth study design. All the patients were bonded with MBT 0.022 X 0.028 inch brackets and maxillary canine retraction was performed on 0.019 X 0.025 stainless steel wires with different methods of accelerating tooth movement. Data was collected from the orthodontic study models prepared from alginate impression taken at each appointment interval. The results of the study revealed that the amount of maxillary canine retraction was rapid in all the groups as compared to conventional method of orthodontic tooth movement and the results conclude thatmicro-osteoperfortaions showed better rate of accelerated orthodontic tooth movement as compared to other methods.
Keywords: Low level laser therapy, Microosteoperforations, Corticision, Platelet Rich Plasma, Acceleration, Tooth movement, Canine retraction
How to cite : Bulandi N, Budhwar B, Bansal S, Bansal N, Sunda S, Singh G, Choudhary A, Bulandi A, Comparison of various modes of acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement- A clinical study. J Contemp Orthod 2024;8(3):354-359
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Received : 01-05-2024
Accepted : 21-03-2024
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